Processing News

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Few More Notes

Hello again,

Well, with all the things that are transpiring, it's easy to hear everyone holding their breath, waiting for the next pin to drop! As usual, all the commentators have an opinion on where this economic business is going to bottom out or at least slow down, but - most unfortunately - they are all opinions! There are no facts, because none of us (at least as far as I know) can see into the future.

There have been numerous governmental activities to try to stabilise the situation, but in my opinion, the governmental activities are what really got us here in the first place. More pressure from the government to do this and that results in more searching for ways to either beat City Hall (which is usually not possible) or find a way around or over or under or through the strangle-hold on whatever it is that's constraining business. That, in turn, usually results in more problems for business that are avoided by more contortions and manoeuvring that ultimately lead to more government interference, etc. A devil's circle!

Is there a way out? In pure theory, of course. In practice, I really doubt it, at least not in your and my lifetimes. The best we can hope for, in my opinion, is that the whole thing doesn't go down the proverbial tubes before there is some sort of recovery.

If you think about it, what I wrote there can apply to a multitude of industries and governments! Is it oil and the USA, or real estate and Spain, or automobiles and Germany? The answer is "yes!"

As individuals, all we can do is hold on and hope that the ride has a safe and reasonable ending.

Hang on tight!


Your comments are invited!

"Winning the Oil End-Game" by Amory Lovins in 2005