Processing News

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Winning the Oil End-Game

This is the title of a presentation given by Emory Lovins at one of the TED sessions in Monterey, California, in 2005 (Technology, Entertainment, Design, at If you have the time, I would like to read your comments as oil business professionals. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the picture you find there.

This should be interesting for you. Please enjoy and comment!

Ciao for now,


Friday, August 15, 2008

More Questions

Hello again,

I had a phone call from a person from the UK recently, who wanted some general information about this blog, Vacuum Distillation 101, and about me as well.

Aside from some background questions, the first question was, is there any company hidden behind the blog that might be skewing the content in any way? The answer to this question is NO!! Good 2004 Ltd. is a small campany, located in Bulgaria, that belongs 90% to me and 10% to my business partner, who is not an "oily" person. Basically what that means is WYSIWYG, that what you see is what you get! I certainly must have opinions that are not necessarily popular with portions of the refining community; I won't use the blog as a platform to preach about these, but I won't shy away from confrontation, either.

The second question this gentleman had was, is the content strictly limited to vacuum distillation, or can it be / will it be expanded into other areas. If you look at the most recent post, you'll see the answer right here in black-and-white... urrrr white and blue; certainly recipes for mussels coming out of the cooling water system are not a hard-core topic for vacuum distillation! :-) More seriously, the answer is still "no" - and if the situation warrants, I am more than willing to digress, particularly in the direction of unit operations.

I guess that's all for now. I hope everybody enjoys the rest of the summer.

Ciao for now,


"Winning the Oil End-Game" by Amory Lovins in 2005